Thursday, July 30, 2015

Google Sheets Banker's Rounding

I needed to have a formula for Banker's Rounding and use it in Google Doc's Sheets app. This seems to work well. This only rounds to whole numbers, but could be modified to do currency pretty easily.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Address Regex

Needed to do some loose validation on mailing addresses. Here's what I did.

Physical Address Format

^[\d]+ [\w\.,\- ]+([\d]{5}(-[\d]{4})?)( .+)?$

Mailing Address Format

^[\w\.,\- ]+(\d{5}(-\d{4})?)( .+)?$

PO Box Format (used to exclude PO Boxes, taken from


NOTE: Since I'm using \w, underscores will get through this filter. I didn't think it was a big deal, but if you need to exclude underscores, it's easy to fix. The post office would apparently remove underscores if detected, as it does with all special characters other than hyphens between meaningful numbers.

I also didn't validate state, as we're feeding state through a dropdown. Regex validation would need to include every state and territory permutation (CA, Calif, California, etc...).

The last bit allows any character to be used after the zip code.

To see how the Post Office parses addresses, you can look here...