Monday, March 23, 2015

Angular Comparison Validation

Ahh, Angular... Why can't your documentation be as good as what I find on StackOverflow?

Thank you, Bernard Loureiro  for the code sample! From that I was able to put this together.

This directive allows you to compare two different fields on your model. The compareOperator property is really cheesie right now. If it is set, it checks to see if there's an equals and/or a greater than sign. If not, it ignores it. To make that more robust, I'd need to give some good error messages, add some documentation, etc... It works for my needs right now.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Escaping Text for CSV in TSQL

Needed string fields output in CSV, but with punctuation being used, that can be crazy. Figured it out, at least for the cases I'm looking at.

,'"' + REPLACE(cr.Description, '"', '""') + '"' AS Descrption
,'"' + REPLACE(rr.Response, '"', '""') + '"' AS Response
,'"' + REPLACE(rr.Reason, '"', '""') + '"' AS Reason
FROM Reviews cr
LEFT OUTER JOIN Responses rr ON cr.Id = rr.ReviewId
ORDER BY cr.Id, rr.Id DESC